Combined from primary sources listed below.
See primary docmentation in context for method gist.
method gist(IO::Handle:D: --> Str:D)
Returns a string containing information which .path, if any, the handle is created for and whether it is .opened.
say; # IO::Handle<(Any)>(closed)
say "foo"; # IO::Handle<"foo".IO>(opened)
See primary docmentation in context for method gist.
multi method gist(IO::Notification::Change:D:)
Returns the path and event attributes, separated by semicolon.
See primary docmentation in context for method gist.
method gist(IO::Path:D: --> Str:D)
Returns a string, part of which contains either the value of .absolute (if path is absolute) or .path. Note that no escaping of special characters is made, so e.g. "\b" means a path contains a backslash and letter "b", not a backspace.
say "foo/bar".IO; # OUTPUT: «"foo/bar".IO»
say 「C:\foo/bar\」; # OUTPUT: «"C:\foo/bar\".IO»