In Num§

See primary documentation in context for method Rat

method Rat(Num:D: Real $epsilon = 1e-6)

Converts the number to a Rat with $epsilon precision. If the invocant is a Inf, -Inf, or a NaN, converts them to a Rat with 0 denominator and 1, -1, or 0 numerator, respectively.

In Str§

See primary documentation in context for method Rat

method Rat(Str:D: --> Rational:D)

Coerces the string to a Rat object, using the same rules as Str.Numeric. If the denominator is larger than 64-bits is it still kept and no degradation to Num occurs.

In RatStr§

See primary documentation in context for method Rat

method Rat

Returns the Rat value of the RatStr.

In Cool§

See primary documentation in context for method Rat

multi method Rat()

Coerces the invocant to a Numeric and calls its .Rat method. Fails if the coercion to a Numeric cannot be done.

say 1+0i.Rat;                             # OUTPUT: «1␤» 
say 2e1.Rat;                              # OUTPUT: «20␤» 
say (-4/3).Rat;                           # OUTPUT: «-1.333333␤» 
say "foo".Rat.^name;                      # OUTPUT: «Failure␤» 
say (.numerator.denominatorfor π.Rat# OUTPUT: «(355 113)␤»

In role Real§

See primary documentation in context for method Rat

method Rat(Real:D: Real $epsilon = 1e-6)

Calls the Bridge method on the invocant and then the Rat method on its return value with the $epsilon argument.