The ACCEPTS routine

Combined from primary sources listed below.

In class Any ( type/Any )§

See primary docmentation in context for method ACCEPTS.

method ACCEPTS§

multi method ACCEPTS(Any:D: Mu $other)



Returns True if $other === self (i.e. it checks object identity).

Many built-in types override this for more specific comparisons.

In class IO::Path ( type/IO/Path )§

See primary docmentation in context for method ACCEPTS.

method ACCEPTS§

multi method ACCEPTS(IO::Path:D: Cool:D $other --> Bool:D)

Coerces the argument to IO::Path, if necessary. Returns True if .absolute method on both paths returns the same string. NOTE: it's possible for two paths that superficially point to the same resource to NOT smartmatch as True, if they were constructed differently and were never fully resolved:

say "foo/../bar".IO ~~ "bar".IO # False

The reason is the two paths above may point to different resources when fully resolved (e.g. if foo is a symlink). Resolve the paths before smartmatching to check they point to same resource:

say "foo/../bar".IO.resolve(:completely) ~~ "bar".IO.resolve(:completely) # True